Monday, September 8, 2014

Education technology history

In my elementary school technology was non-existent. I can’t remember a time where we even used computers or the teacher used computers as a resource. Of course when we were all in elementary school technology was far less advanced than it is nowadays. My first experience with technology was in my seventh grade computer lab, Ms. Coffee was my teacher and I dreaded going to class every single day. She acted as a drill Sargent when it came to typing. Our fingers had to be on the exact keys and we couldn't look down at all. Throughout middle school and high school I didn't have any experience with technology with the exception of Microsoft word. My senior year of high school the teacher started to explore the internet and used a few different websites to teach but the students never got to use the internet on there own. Other than website research for a few projects I never used the Internet. I wish I was able to use the Internet to my advantage in high school but that just wasn't an option during my time there. Now my high school is giving students ipads and giving teachers all new macs. 

Technology is such a big part of our world today and I think teachers need to adapt and start using technology as a resource. Elementary schools are beginning to integrate technology into the classroom by using apps that kids can play on to learn. Many teachers who are not right out of college struggle with using technology as a resource which is why I am so happy to have this class to guide me through the secrets of technology to use in the classroom. Students should be able to use whichever resource is prevalent and right now that is technology. In my classroom I hope to use technology and other resources such as books and worksheets to help students learn.  I do not want to teach in a classroom that solely revolves around technology, I believe students need to learn the new way of doing things but also have a good grasp of the old ways such as paper worksheets and textbooks. I hope to have a good balance of old and new within my classroom. I do not want my students to become completely reliable on technology because some things just have to be done the old fashion way without technology. I wish I was introduced to technology at a younger age but I am grateful now that I know how to do certain things without technology and I fear that younger kids will not know how to do anything without using some source of technology. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why SNHU? Why Teach?

A favorite quote of mine states "Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch." I knew growing up I wanted to do more and be more than the average person I wanted to make a difference in life and change the world a little at a time. When I was younger I contemplated being a doctor because they heal and save lives, then maybe a lawyer to defend the weak and change the face of law but I just couldn't see myself doing either of those professions everyday for the rest of my life. When I got older I realized I wanted to teach, I knew by being a teacher I could change a child's life everyday and help change the future one student at a time. Not only would I teach but I would also learn something new from my students every single day which if you think about it is priceless. I know by being a teacher I will never have a boring day and I will never wake up in the morning dreading going to work. So I started on my journey to becoming a teacher, first thing was choosing a college that would make me the best possible teacher I could be. I had heard that SNHU had a great teaching program along with many other schools. So junior year I attended countless college tours and took a bunch of college prep courses, I wanted to be prepared for college and my future profession. Coming up on senior year I finally narrowed down my choices of schools to attend in that list was SNHU.  Ultimately I based my decision off of not only where I would get the best education to prepare me for the "real world" but also a place where i felt a sense of community and somewhere I knew I could excel. So in Fall of 2013 I joined SNHU class of 2017 and so far I have not regretted a single second of my time here at snhu. I have loved every education class I have taken and have learned more than I could have ever imagined through snhus gen ed program. My eyes have been opened to a whole new world that I had previously been sheltered from. I am so excited to see what my next three years at snhu will entail I plan to make the most out of my time here and to expand my mind and most importantly learn. So here I am writing my first blog post for my EDU 235 class, I’m excited to learn the secrets of technology when it comes to teaching. So that’s why I teach and why I’m at snhu.