Thursday, November 6, 2014

Every Student learns differently

Every student has the ability to learn and succeed. Of course, as future educators, we have to say that statement and agree with it, but an excellent teacher truly believes that. No matter what a student has the ability to learn and be successful in anything they do. Each student is unique in his or her learning style. I feel as though we are taught through our education classes to teach students in only a few different learning styles but many of those do not work. Some students need a strict structure, and some students require extra help, some learn from listening while others learn from doing. There are many varieties of how each student learns best it is our jobs as teachers to figure out each student's specific learning style. Yeah, I know it sounds like a lot of work to individually assess each student's learning abilities but it is so worth it. 

Teachers sometimes deprive students with the resources they need to learn efficiently. I remember in high school, I had a teacher who did not allow us to take notes, I have always been more of a visual person I need to write everything down to fully remember. I ended up getting an awful grade in that class because I was not allowed to learn the material in my own way. I know it is hard to tend to every students learning styles but it is really important to do so. The lesson plans that I create always involve more than one way to be completed. If there is a lecture section I always try to include an activity for those who learn by doing rather than listening. 

I am currently doing field experience for my edu 270 course; I have been placed in a 6th grade English classroom and have been going for about 2-4 hours each week for 5 weeks. During this time I have been able to form a relationship with the students. Each week I go I observe each of the students and watch how they learn. It is so amazing to see the moment that the student finally understands or is proud of the work they completed. This experience has taught me that out of a class of 22 students there can be over 15 different learning styles. As a teacher I will make sure each students learning style is offered